Category: Essay

  • Night crawler

    I often fall into bad cycles of insomnia – a sort of weird situation where my brain just won’t shut down even though my body craves rest. I wind up sitting around, reading news stories and Facebook posts, playing word games and generally wasting time. Just kind of staring into space, sucking in useless information…

  • Cranky Donkey: Be a You Expert

    There are too many marketing wannabes and so-called self-proclaimed experts on social media. Far too many, in fact, and it’s become a bit of a problem: everywhere you go, there’s some guy or gal spouting off about how Twitter made them famous — and how it can make everyone a celebrity — or how to…

  • Thunder and Lightning

    I have managed, over the past four years, to accept it. To embrace the stifling, sticky summers of Northern Virginia and thrive in the oppressive heat that normally hits this region in July and August. That’s saying something, too, because I grew up in the pleasant weather pattern of Southern California, with its gently blowing…

  • Electronica

    Talking to a million people is the loneliest thing. They sit you in a chair on an island, connected to the world by a rubber earpiece and a microphone. You sit there, for a long time, for forever, staring into a black hole and pretending that you’re good, you’re fine, that you’re ready to tell…